
I usually don't have much to say on Wordless Wednesday beyond some hopefully clever headline that draws you in.  But today I could not resist...and I could think of no more appropriate headline than the one I came up with.  Why?  Well it started with an early morning walk with The Pack.  While The Noisemakers - Jake & Ellwood - will bark at this and that...Suede is usually pretty quiet.  On our usual path, we turned down a local street that has a fenced-in lot.  Ellwood had stopped just short of the lot to poop and as I stopped to pick it up, Suede of course was in front of this fence and fixated on something in the lot.  That alone was unusual but also the fact that she started barking was a little disturbing but I had to pick up the poop.  Once I picked up the poop and approached the fence, I got the scare of my life....

At first glance...

This tall, dark figure scared the crappola out of me!

Only to realize it is a statue of some sort...whew!

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