
Suede & The Blues Brothers
When I walk my little pack, I make EVERY attempt to clear the way on the sidewalk when I see people coming - most times walking way out into traffic.  So, why is it that, invariably, someone makes sure they walk so close to us that if my dogs were biters, they would most assuredly be bitten?  Why?

This morning I was walking my dogs.  As I approached the corner, I saw a family crossing towards me, so I held back to give them right of way.  They had more than enough space, really, without my holding back but I do like to give people ample space because not everyone likes dogs.  When I got the sense that they were clear, I turned the corner.  This part of the sidewalk is actually very wide.  I was ALL THE WAY at the curb, by a tree.  One of the little ones decided to poop.  So I bent over to pick it up and as I bent over I noticed some feet walking right up next to me.  It was the same family.  Where did they come from given that they had just passed me?  Why did they need to walk so close to me and the pack?  I don't understand the stupidity of people and more so the fact that they pass this stupidity on to their children.


Annette and Snoopy said...

I know the feeling.....Obviously my cute little fluff ball isn't a biter, but he's still learning not to jump on people in excitement to say hello....maybe it's because we're so used to it we try to think ahead and they don't, maybe they're in their own world? Either way it makes it a challenge for me and I only have the one doggy :)

I have another why.......why do some people not clean up after their dogs? Snoopy managed to stand in something nasty from another dog last week in the grass on the sidewalk......not fun!

PawPurrry said...

oh yeah...that's a good one....and where I live....it seems like majority of folks DON"T pick up after their pooches...in fact they don't even curb them...

Funniest part of walking the pack is when I am "digging" through the poo of other dogs to be able to pick up my own....lol....I can laugh about it now because I'm not actually doing it..but when I am doing it...I am cursing the owner in my head...LOL

Unknown said...

That is so frustrating! What I hate even more is when someone else walking their dog loosens the leash so that their dog can come up to mine. My dog might not be nice to your dog! (although usually, it's their dog that's not nice to mine)

PawPurrry said...

Oh yeah Ellie...I REALLY hate that. My problem is that my little pack....the two little dogs bark and go crazy (they won't bite they are just noisey). My Pit girl, is relatively calm but if the two little ones keep it going, then she starts to get stressed out and just wants to leave...lol...honestly, if I could let her off the leash, she would probably just go home and wait for me.